Year eight marks a new direction for the 'shoe. Listen to each issue on our podcast!
Yes, fearless readers, each week you can hear The Horseshoe in all its poetic pigskin glory!
Use the links listed below to download the podcast. As always, I welcome your haiku submissions.
Anyone who's game can even read them as part of the show.

Issue # 144: Horses Hungry For More

Last week: Colts 38  Patriots 34

Haiku count: 1037

Super Bowl XLI: Colts vs Bears


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Storied franchises
separated by three hours
and one big trophy.


Pat vict'ry savored,
Horses are hungry for more
Carpe diem, Colts!


Small town, big city.
Vonnegut beats Sandburg
Manning beats Grossman


Bears bread and butter:
Pound the ball and play defense
Stop one, shred other.


Defining moment
Football immortality
awaits game winner


Florida omen?
Colts once crowned in Miami
Thirty six year wait!


Serene strategist
humble headsetted genius
paces Colt sidelines


Pilgrimage of sorts
Struggle to game defines them
One team's prayers answered.

written by: Stephen Conway



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